Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Top 5 Reasons Chase Screamed this Morning

Today I wanted to share with you a top 5 list (because frankly, who can resist a top 5 list?).  These are top 5 things that made my tiny two year old scream (out of disapproval and annoyance) today.  I hope you enjoy this more than I did living it this morning (all before 7am).

Top 5 reasons Chase screamed this morning:

5. The school bus we passed on the way to daycare was yellow, not red like he would have liked.

4. I put his shoes on- as he requested.

3. I took his shoes off- as he requested.

2. I annoyingly poured milk in his sippy cup when he specifically requested Mountain Dew.  He also wanted a Mickey Mouse cup, not a Toy Story cup (when will I get it right?- Wednesdays are always Mickey cup days.)

1. Chase hated his overalls I dressed him in (of course wearing overalls to daycare causes him to lose all of his street cred- I should have known.)
If only it was acceptable for an adult to scream anytime they didn’t approve of something. :)  
I remember the days when waking up before 7am was a sin, these days I have had 5 arguments by 7am (and I usually lose all 5).  But I would take 5 arguments with my toddler any day!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Jayme,
    This is so awesome! I love to hear stories about Chase! Keep them coming!! :)
