Friday, June 21, 2013

Things I Have Learned About Myself After Becoming A Mom

After becoming a mom there are some things I have learned about myself:

1. I actually do not need to eat a whole meal without a little, sticky finger digging around in it. Who would have thought? (Answer: The MN Department of Health)

2. I enjoy playing Legos, even after my child is sleeping.  I also, secretly get upset when Chase kicks down my Lego castle (after all, I do spend a significant amount of time and energy building them, only to have it end up underneath the foot of a toddler, in shambles).  

3. I have an unending need to win an argument, even with a toddler.  Apparently, it does matter to me that my child knows Elmo is red- not pink- like he used to debate.

4. I am really good at convincing a 2 year old that he actually wants a Snickers (or 2 for that matter) at the concession stands at my husband’s softball games, instead of the disgusting sticky, overpriced cotton candy that he originally thought he wanted.  Then I convince him that he isn’t hungry enough to eat all of the Snickers, so Mommy will take one for the team and help him eat it (Some would say I’m kind of like a modern-day hero).  

5. I AM one of those crazy “Momma Bear” moms (that I swore I wouldn’t be) that gets unnecessarily protective over my cub.  Last week I found myself telling a little girl that she was naughty and needed a nap because she wasn’t being nice to my child at the park. (I don’t regret my choice to momentarily discipline someone else’s child.  My child was in jeopardy of getting his feelings hurt, what else could I do?  You can see the bind I was in.)

So there you have it, five things I have learned about myself after becoming a Mother.  Hey- I didn't say that I was proud of the things I have learned.

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