Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Shopping- Testosterone Style

I have realized that I cannot work late anymore, reason being:

Cory picked Chase up from daycare yesterday, which is a little out of the ordinary since my daycare is very close to my work so it only makes sense for me to do the drop-offs and pick-ups every day.  But yesterday I had to work late.  I get home and Cory tells me that he had the best time with Chase, and this is why:

Cory thought it would be a splendid idea (no, Cory doesn't actually use the word splendid- but I do, so it’s staying in the story) to take Chase on a shopping outing, testosterone style.  So where did they end up?  (Drum-roll please) That’s right; you guessed it, a gun store. 

Cory apparently doesn't see anything wrong with taking a 2 year old into a store filled with guns and ammunition.  (I could see this ending badly, one of two ways: 1. Chase gets upset that the store doesn't sell Dora fruit snacks and shoots up the place OR 2. The middle-aged store worker, who lives in his mother’s basement, sleeps on her futon and reeks of a mixture of meatloaf and baby powder, finally cracks after hearing a two year old (who may or may not be my child- but let’s face it, I don’t think there would be any other two year olds in the gun store) wailing for an hour because the gun store doesn't sell Dora fruit snacks, and shoots up the place, while demanding respect from the other shoppers as well as himself.)

Anyway, Cory didn't see an issue with Chase going into the gun store, and since he was the parent in charge, off they trotted.  As you can probably imagine dusty animal heads lined the walls of the gun store (okay I can’t actually verify that the heads were dusty, but I can’t imagine a store full of men, standing on a ladder with a Swiffer Duster, dusting).  As Chase was examining a deer head, the store manager approached Chase and asked him what a deer says.  Without a thought, Chase turned to him and responded with a loud “Boom,” which just so happens to be the sound of a deer being shot.

The store manager looked at Cory, scruffy beard and all, and said, “That’s awesome!”  I guess Chase just went back to admiring the deer head, as if he actually thought deer say, “Boom.”   

I guess that’s what I get for working late. Lesson learned. 

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