Sunday, January 4, 2015

New Year's Goals and 2014 Highlights

If Chase could write New Year’s goals, I think these would be his:

1.  I will try not to scream when my mom mentions that my Ipad time has expired for the day.  (She always says that if I cry, I will lose my Ipad time for tomorrow.  But, luckily for me, she has a short memory.)
2. I will try not to tell my mom that I don’t like her, every day.  Well, I will cut down from seven times a day to 3.  I mean, hey, a boy has got to set realistic goals, right?
3. I will quit gaging at the sight of my mother’s home cooked meals.  (On a side note: I hope one of her New Year’s goals is to take some cooking lessons. I mean, gaging is a reflex, so I can’t always control it.)
4.  I will stop licking everything in sight.  Well rather, stop licking things when my mom is in sight.  (She can be such a drag sometimes.)
5. I will stop farting when I’m sitting on my Mommy’s lap.  Haha just kidding.  That is like saying the sun is giving up its shine.  No can do.

Highlights from 2014: So, I finally kicked my pink milk addiction.  I secretly despise my Mom for making me kick it.  Given the chance, I would trade my mom for a nice, smooth foamy glass of strawberry flavored heaven. Or even to watch someone else drink it.  Also, my parents finally let me out of my baby jail, aka my crib.  I’ve been rocking my Cars big boy bed for months now.  A whole new world has opened up to me between the hours of 8pm and 8am.  And baby, I’m likin’ what I've seen.

Happy New Year's!

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