While driving home from daycare (which is when Chase and I have
our best conversations) yesterday, our conversation went a little like this:
Chase: “Mommy, my Uncle John is dead.”
Me: “How did he die?”
Chase: “He got hit by a car.
His head broke. His neck broke and his arms fell off.”
Me: “That’s sad. I bet it hurt. Wait, you don’t have an Uncle John.” (I can’t
believe it took this long into the conversation for me to realize that Chase
doesn't have an Uncle John.) In an attempt to try and figure out where he heard
this (on television, a book, an episode of Criminal Minds?), I started to ask
follow-up questions….
Me: “Where does Uncle John live?” (Hoping he would give a
sweet answer that wouldn't make me feel that he has a creepy, dead, imaginary
friend- but knowing Chase, I wouldn't put it past him.)
Chase: “Outside.”
Me: “Where does he sleep?”
Chase: “He’s not a squirrel mom. He doesn't sleep.” (Not quite sure where he
pulled squirrel from, but hey I’ll go along with it.)
Me: “Ok. What does he do when you are sleeping?”
Chase: “He’s outside, being a wood chopper.” (Hmm, I still
got nothing.)
Me: “Buddy, I have no idea who you are talking about.”
Chase: “Mom (in an annoyed tone of course), Uncle John is a squirrel
and he’s dead. That’s what I was talkin' about.” (He then let out a loud huff and
started gazing out of the car window, as if he couldn't believe that I couldn't
follow his story and was just choosing to give up at this point.)
I don’t know how I can’t get with the picture sometimes, and
frankly, I’m sure it is quite frustrating for my child. Next time he talks about a fictitious, deceased Uncle John, I will know he is talking about a squirrel who is a wood chopper.
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