Friday, March 7, 2014

Church and a Dead Witch

One of my goals for 2014 is to get involved with a church in our community.  But Chase is causing some barriers to this goal.  Who would have thought a 3 year old wouldn’t want to sit in a pew for an hour listening to others speak, not being able to speak himself?  Below are two of the reasons our last two trips to church have been painful- for me.

Trip #1:  As we walked into church we could hear the gorgeous church bells singing their joyful chimes.  This sound melts my heart and brings me back to my childhood.  But what does my child do?  He starts yelling, “Ding, dong the witch is dead!”  And as quickly as we walked into the church…. We walked out.

Trip #2:  This last attempt at going to church was a little bit more successful than the first.  Although, my child didn’t sing about a witch being dead, he did follow up each “Amen” with a “Poopy Butt.”  After the first couple times of this happening, I caught onto what he was doing.  So each time I heard the congregation say “Amen.”  I started coughing loudly hoping to mask my child singing, “Amen, poopy butt.  Amen poopy butt.” This didn’t work.  Everyone heard my child's chants and probably thought I had emphysema.  We may be choosing to go to another church, if we aren’t asked to leave first.    

I do know, that my child is going to cause some sort of commotion at church every time we go, so in preparation, I dress him in kakis and a sweater vest. Because honestly, who can get upset with a curly haired tot in an 80 year old man’s sweater vest?  Certainly, not me. 

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