Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Puppy Conversation and Awkward Rule for the Day

My conversation with Chase:

Chase: “Mommy, I’m a puppy in a cage.”  (Please note: he was inside of an upside down laundry basket at this moment.  Don’t ask.)

Me: “You’re a cute puppy.” (Frankly, everything he does is cute- except for picking his nose and wiping his boogers on the back of my shirt.  Please tell me that stage will end soon.)

Chase: “This puppy needs a snack.”

Me: “What kind of a snack?”

Chase: “Oh, just a candy bar snack.”

Huh? Either I need to educate my child on what dogs actually eat, or he was trying to outsmart me.  Well yeah, the puppy did end up getting a Snickers, but I will be smarter than him next time.   

Chase being a puppy in the laundry basket.  Please don't call child protective services- he wanted to be trapped in there- I swear. 

Awkward (but necessary) rule of the day Chase is no longer, under any circumstances, allowed to eat snacks naked on the couch ever again.  Apparently, Chase hasn't learned that it isn't socially acceptable- or even acceptable in the privacy of your own home- to rub your goldfish crackers one by one, on your junk before every bite.  (I mean, every other bite would be fine, but every bite is just ridiculous and disgusting.)  

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