Sunday, August 15, 2021

Happy 12th Anniversary- What I appreciate about Cory!

It's our Anniversary! Who would have thought that two college drunks would make it to 12 years? From the moment my eyes landed upon the cute blonde headed guy who helped me find a toilet to puke in at a college party, I knew you were a keeper.  (Ok, well my eyes were a little glossy due to the booze and my judgement may have been a little questionable at the moment, but I still knew you were cute and a keeper.)   

There are so many things that I appreciate about Cory...

I appreciate that Cory understands that my work life has to make my soul happy and has always been supportive of that. (Except for that one time I quit that one job on the spot and called Cory after to tell him.  Cory, have you fully forgiven me for that yet?)  

I appreciate that Cory tries all of the meals that I make.  Even the stupid things. Like really stupid things like black bean brownies. And I appreciate how nicely he told me that I “never need to eat salmon again” as a hint for me to stop making it for every meal.   

I appreciate that Cory is adaptable.  For instance, Cory hates that I take my shoes off as soon as I get in the car and he always ends up waiting for me to put my shoes on when we are already at our destination.  Now (after 12 years) he has adapted to this cute quark of mine and gives me a 5 minute warning before we reach a destination so I can start finding my shoes and putting them on so he doesn't have to wait for me.  

I also appreciate that Cory is always down for a good time.  Remember “game night” at our house?  Don’t worry, I won’t publicly share with the world what a great time Cory had.  And what a great time our toilet had.   

But mostly, what I appreciate about Cory, is that he doesn't want to have any more kids. ðŸ˜Š  

But for real.  I do think we are slowly getting our shit together. And we are doing it as a team. #TeamKleinermann. 

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha, Ellie made black bean brownies once too. Once is definitely enough!
