Wednesday, May 14, 2014

My Uterus, A Sock and A Smack in the Face

Hello world.  Sorry I haven’t blogged in a while.  We have had many life changes in the last few weeks (and no, we are not having another child and the life changes are all positive ones- depending on how you look at them.  But from my view- very positive!).

But speaking of having another child; I had a very disturbing conversation with my nephew, Holden, on Mother’s Day (of all days).  My nephew told me that he thinks I should have another child; specifically a girl.  (It seems as though everyone has very strong opinions about how my uterus should be filled right now- even children. And I say- “Uterus, who needs that?  I’ll swap my uterus for an extra liver any day.”) But in Holden’s mind there would be one catch to adding this happy addition to our family (isn’t there always a catch?). 

Holden sat me down and said, “You should have a baby girl.  But it’s too bad you will have to sell Chase to another country.”  Horrified at this statement, but willing to encourage it, I asked him, “What Country would we sell him too?” (I had my fingers crossed that it wasn't somewhere sunny because, like me, Chase has been blessed with skin pigment similar to Casper- and we all know how expensive sun screen can be.)  Holden replied, “Oh probably just California.”  Luckily, he is just in kindergarten and has many, many years to brush up on his geography.    
On another note- This past week I have gotten to spend more time at home with Chase.  And you know what more time at home means; more nap times (cha-ching)!  While getting to be a part of more nap times, there are a couple of things I have learned you don't want to hear from your toddler as you are trying to blissfully drift off to sleep:

1. “Open your mouth and close your eyes and you will get a big surprise.” (I actually fell for this one- I know what you’re thinking.  Didn't you go to college?  Shouldn't you know to never ever close your eyes and open your mouth?  But I out of the corner of my eye I saw a Hershey’s chocolate bar sitting on the bed and thought that Chase would pop that into my mouth as my “big surprise.”  But no, I got a stinky sock balled up and shoved into my mouth.  Followed by the sound of a toddler cackling in the background.  (Please don’t ask why there was a chocolate bar in bed to begin with.)

2. “Want to see my magic trick?”  This turned out to not be a magic trick at all.  It turned out to be just a simple slap in the face- Literally; Chase smacked me in the face and said, “Tada.” (As if adding Tada at the end made it magical.)

Anyway, who cares? It was just a measly, moldy sock in the mouth and a slightly bruised face. But I got a three hour nap one day and to me that is a parenting win.  

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