Sunday, January 15, 2017

The Zombie Attack

So there have been some exciting things happening in the Revermann household. 

Just Kidding.

There has been pretty much only a lot of watching Netflix going on here.  Well, you know, not so much for me but for Cory.  Do you want to know how I can tell that he has been watching too much?  Well, let me tell you a little tale about a man with too much time on his hands…

Once upon a time there was a dad.  A dad who liked to stay up late and watch Netflix.  Not one, not two, but seven nights a week.  And this dad, he has been watching a show called “The Walking Dead” for a few weeks now.  I believe he is currently on season 468.  Well, this show is about Zombies.  This dad’s wife didn’t know anything about The Walking Dead until one night.  One night when their 5 year old child crawled into their bed at midnight.  The child crawled ontop of the covers inbetween his parents.  Apparently this alarmed the dad.  He yelled, “Don’t trap me under the blankets.  If I’m trapped I won’t be able to get away from the zombies.”  The 5 year old looked at his, now wide awake, mother horrified and the mother didn’t know what the heck just happened so she simply whispered, “Daddy is just kidding. I’ll help you get under the covers so we don’t trap Dad,” and went back to sleep.

Why the h*ll is this my life and how did I get here? 

On a completely unrelated note: Our joyful Ryder turns one next week! You know what that means?  We have one more week to take his 11 month pictures.  (I can’t decide if I feel like I am a horrible mother to a second child, or a totally chill (yeah, chill- not lazy) mother to a second child.)  Either way, I’m sure Ryder’s 11 month pictures and first birthday pictures will be taken minutes apart. 

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