Wednesday, August 10, 2016

My Promises To My Nuggets and "Mama"

Parents don’t always get things right, and I am not exempt from that but there are a few things that I will promise my children, and no matter how exhausted or busy I am, I will always, always keep these promises…

Dear Chase McGee and Ry-Ry Pumpkin Pie,
* I promise to always greet you with a smile in the morning and be genuinely happy to see you.  Everyone deserves to start their day off loved. And you are loved.  So, very loved. 

         * I promise to always (and I mean always) pack the ice-cream down in your ice-cream cone.  Anyone who leaves the cone hollow should not be trusted, under any circumstances.  Use this test to pick future partners. 

      * I promise that I will not lie to you about having a baby book.  I simply have never kept one up to date for you.  It doesn’t mean that I don’t love you, it just means that I like watching television more than printing pictures.  But I also promise that the night before your high school graduation party, we will both sit at the kitchen table until midnight, sorting through 18 years of memories, pretending to be crafty and create one together.

     * I promise that whenever you ask me to read you a book, I will stop what I’m doing and read to you.  (Unless it’s a book that I don’t enjoy, in which case I will read it once and then throw it behind the book case in hopes that it will never again be discovered.) 

          * I promise, promise, promise that I will never stop writing about you.  Even when you are old enough to read this yourself and despise every word, I will never stop.  Adult you will appreciate this promise.  
Love always,

On a side note: Ryder has said “Mama” eight times. And “Dada” zero.

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