Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Letters, Numbers and a Good Old-Fashioned Hashtag

Chase and I have been working on letters and numbers daily for quite some time now.  Finally, I think I have come up with the some valuable insight on how to teach these things…

Let’s talk numbers.  If you need to teach your child numbers, forget the flashcards and worksheets.  Just simply put a password on your Ipad.   How come we practice numbers everyday with no interest, but as soon as a numerical password goes on the machine that plays Netflix, numbers are suddenly something to be studied?  Genius. 

Now, let’s talk letters.  This one is even easier to teach then numbers.  There is no need to sing the ABC’s every day or pull out worksheets or personal whiteboards to practice letters.  All you need to do is take your child out to eat, excessively.  My child has learned that the letter “M” means McDonalds (and a happy meal toy of course), "B" and "K" from Burger King and “Q” from Qdoba.  It’s like my lack of cooking skills are a benefit to my child’s education (but not necessarily his nutrition).  I knew one day my slacking over the stove would pay off. 

No. I didn’t say I was proud that the Ipad password was the number breakthrough I've been waiting for or the fact that my child would rather learn about letters from a neon sign than me. But hey, every teaching method is different. Right? 

On a side note: Why is it that as I scroll through Facebook, my news-feed is covered with parents complaining about parenting, as if they are the only ones who have ever gone through it (and the only ones who need a nap)?  I can’t recall a single time my mother or her friends complained about missing a party due to having to take care of their children or needing a night out, or five.  And I've come to the conclusion on why I've never heard complaints coming from my parents’ generation about tending to the children they have created.  It’s simply because they don’t know how to properly use a hashtag.  #parentingissohard #butitmightbe #easierif  #istop #complainingand #beanadult

THUMP! (That was just the sound of me tripping on my sweatpants and tumbling off of my soap box.)  

Happy Hump Day!

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