Monday, November 25, 2013

Bed Time

Reasons my Chatty Chasey needed me to go back into his room after I tucked him into bed tonight:

Reason Number One:
I hear, “I have to go potty!” coming from Chase’s room, so I rush into his room, swoop over the side of his crib,pull him out and rush him into the bathroom (I say “rush” as if my bathroom and his room are miles apart- in fact, one night when I was using the restroom after I laid Chase down for bed, I heard him say- “Mommy, I hear your pee.”) and sit him on the potty and nothing comes out.   He then says, “Mamma, I won’t fib about potty tomorrow.” (I’m glad he clarified that he won’t lie about going potty tomorrow- so it still leaves every other topic open to lie about.  Well played little one.)

Reason Number Two:
Chase: “Mom! Come here!”
Me: “What buddy?”
Chase: “Is it raining outside?”
Me: “No. It's winter. Please go to sleep.”
Chase: “You should let me see if it's raining.”
(Insert sound of Chase’s bedroom door closing and me walking away.)

Reason Number Three:
(Insert the sound of me opening the door knob to Chase’s room yet again).  Apparently, Chase spends ample amount of time in his crib (in the dark- because frankly, nothing is shameful in the dark) knuckle deep in his nose and expects me to wipe each booger off of his pointer finger. 

Reason Number Four:
Once again, I hear Chase yelling from his room, “Mom, I have a deal for you!”  Naturally, I was intrigued about what deal my two year old had mustered up, so I entered his room and asked what his deal was.  He said sweetly, "I need one more hug- that’s my deal."  (I have to admit, it was a pretty good deal.)   

I know I probably shouldn't indulge my child’s every wish and request, but hey- I only have one child, so I have plenty of time on my hands to indulge.    

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