Thursday, August 15, 2019

Relationship Growth

Cory- we have been married for 10 years.  Can you believe it?  We have been married as long as Grindr has been around.  Do you think things would have gone differently in our relationship if Grindr was created before we started dating? Any who…

We have both changed a lot since the start of our relationship and I like to think that our relationship has experienced some growth over the years.  Here is how I can tell:

-I no longer feel the need to sucker punch you in the face when you fall asleep first and you snore like a sumo wrestler. #smotherhimwithapillow

-Our relationship has evolved so much that we no longer play the endless game of, “Oh, are you going to make supper? Oh, I thought you were going to make supper.” You know, because we always know it’s me.  

-We know how to console each other when our children unknowingly rip us apart.  You know, like how you reassure me that I’m not actually a bad person when our 3 year old tells me that I’m “terrible and rude” over and over and over again, every day.   And how you tell me that I do look nice when our 8 year old asks me under his breath, “Oh, is that what you are wearing today?” #unitedwestand

-And, lastly, I no longer want to rip out your eyeballs when you drink all night after your old man softball league and accidentally forget to call to kindly let me know that you won’t be available to help at bedtime. (Just kidding on this one.  There definitely has been zero growth for either of us on this topic. You never call and I never refrain from getting annoyed.)

If this isn’t a thriving relationship, I don’t know what is.

Happy Anniversary!