Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Watching You Sleep

Chase and I definitely do our best communicating in the car. You know, when we both have no other options than to listen to the other person.  Our discussion on our way home from a good old Catholic fish fry was disturbing.  And when I say “disturbing” I mean, skin crawlingly disturbing. 

So here we were, riding along in our automobile (try and read the last five words again without singing it- I challenge you), and out of nowhere Chase says, “So, you know how I watch you all of the time when you sleep?” My first thought was, “Um, oh, F-no I didn’t know you watched me when I sleep, you creepy, creepy little man.”  But I refrained myself because I was a tad interested to see what this question would lead into and to know how well I need to start locking my bedroom door.  Would I need a simple lock? A deadbolt? Both? So I muttered out, “No, I didn’t know that.”  He shrugged his tiny, bony shoulders as if it weren’t relevant and continued, “Well, I do.  I think the next time I watch you, I will grab Dad’s phone and record a video of you sleeping so I can watch it later and say, “You’re so pretty, you’re so pretty.”

Huh.  I’m pretty sure somehow something went seriously wrong with my parenting and I’m raising a teeny, tiny, serial killer.  But in all reality, who wouldn’t find a cute, curly, mop-headed, sweater-vest wearing serial killer at least a little charming? Let’s hope in 30 years, a jury of 12 find him charming.     

But just for my own enjoyment, I said, out loud to Chase, “Do I have to worry about you killing me in my sleep and then using my skin to make yourself a dress?”  I was totally thinking this comment would go over little Norman Bates’ head, but to my surprise he matter-of-factly replied, without skipping a beat, “Well, I wouldn’t make a dress.  Maybe a sweater.  It would be soft and I could wear it to church.”

I then had to switch the subject so I would eventually be able to fall asleep that night.

On a positive note: my take-a-ways from this conversation were as follows:

-Chase thinks I’m pretty (totally a win).
-Chase could become a fashion designer, make a ton of money and support me.  And, ya know, pay for my spendy skin grafts.
-Also, my child is a devout Catholic.